CLeaR Fellows 2019 – Dr Andrew Withy
Investigating teaching and assessment practices within Humanities through technology
Andrew is a Professional Teaching Fellow in Humanities. He primarily teaches Philosophical Logic and Critical Thinking, both of which already make heavy use of Canvas. He is on the executive of the NZ Association for Philosophy Teachers, and cares deeply about transformative and subversive pedagogy, even if he’s not quite there yet. He intends to use his CLeaR fellowship to encourage pedagogical innovation and fuller adoption of Canvas and related technology throughout the Arts faculty, to help meet the changing educational expectations of students. He is a bit of a magpie, and so collects shiny things. As such, he will be working on a variety of smaller projects. These include: an essay writing module for UG Philosophy courses; refining the use of badging in his courses; the use of automatic feedback tools (OnTask) for larger courses; integrating online software in Logic courses; the use of lecture feedback and polling software (in conjunction with English); and better use of Canvas analytics. He also hopes to borrow, beg, or steal many ideas from the other CLeaR Fellows.