CLeaR Fellows 2018 – Dr Marcia Leenen-Young
Ako fakasitepu: promoting learning to learn for Pasifika Business School Students
Dr Marcia Leenen-Young is a Professional Teaching Fellow in Academic and Capability Development at the University of Auckland Business School. She completed her PhD in Ancient History in 2012, and now works as the Communication and Capability Specialist in Innovative Learning and Teaching, designing and producing online academic skills resources. Marcia has spent the last four years focused on supporting Māori and Pasifika student success in the Faculty of Medical and Health Sciences, moving to the Business School in early 2017.
“Ako fakasitepu: promoting learning to learn for Pasifika Business School Students”
My CLeaR Fellowship project aims to help address the disparity in academic achievement between Pasifika and non-Pasifika through contributing to educational equity by focusing on learning to learn as a key component of a Pasifika students’ journey at the Business School. This research will seek to answer how Pasifika students access learning support, its effectiveness, and how they view the concept of learning to learn as a vital part of tertiary study. Learning to learn incorporates the power of reflection, a growth mind-set, the development of grit, independent thinking, critical enquiry, and focuses on the importance of identity as Pasifika (Zimmerman & Schunk, 2001; Duckworth, 2013; Yeager & Dweck, 2012; Airini et. al. 2010). This research will practically contribute to student achievement through the development of a culturally-responsive learning process specifically for Business School Pasifika students that will be modelled and evaluated at a two-day fono in Semester Two.