CLeaR Fellows 2014 – Margot Bowes
Substitution to transformation
Margot is a lecturer in the School of Curriculum and Pedagogy and has a strong focus on interactive teaching. She is a subject expert in the ongoing development of national senior school assessment and qualifications. Her interests include authentic interactive and digital learning to enhance student engagement. Her research areas include critical pedagogies, assessment and teacher professional development. She is currently doing collaborative research into ‘Making Learning Visible through Feedback using Mobile Technologies’ in higher education. Margot received a Faculty of Education Outstanding Teaching Award for sustained excellence in teaching in 2012.
The Education Faculty already has many innovative, passionate teachers. It now uses interactive learning spaces as part of a major development and has always had support in educational design, development and innovation (from Centre for Educational Design and Development, now called CREATE). Margot is interested to know if this common across departments and faculties.
The dissemination of the Fellowship initiatives is important to the Education Dean and Faculty. She would like to showcase the Faculty’s, and her own Learning Enhancement Grant initiatives, around mobile learning as well as other innovations in Education and other faculties.
Margo is exploring ways of assessing students (e.g. verbally) that are beneficial to learning and create more time for academics to do other things. She hopes that this will lead into a joint project and/or publication to showcase to the University that we can work across faculties.