CLeaR Fellows 2016 – Dr Rena Heap
Carpe Diem! Seize the moment
… and then share with your colleagues. Rena’s highly successful Scholarship of Teaching and Learning circles have been the crucible for many staff to refine their digital skills, focus on their pedagogy, and expand their understanding of the e-plicability of e-learning.
Rena holds degrees in science (human physiology) and education and has been at the Faculty of Education since 2004, teaching primarily in science education. She has won several teaching awards including UoA Early Career Excellence in Teaching and National Sustained Excellence in Teaching. Her particular research interests are in the scholarship of teaching and learning, elearning, and science education – particularly the history and philosophy of science.
It is her commitment to teaching and to practitioner research which Rena brings to the CLeaR Fellowship to further her own, colleagues’ and students’ engagement with elearning within teacher education programs, teaching practice and lifelong learning.