SEED projects 2019 – A new Canvas for teaching and learning
In Italia con Giacomo
Gabriella Brussino and Michael Hurst (Faculty of Arts)
ITALIAN 100/G, Introductory Italian Language, is a new blended learning course offered in 2019. The course has two hours per week in class, plus an online Canvas component. The online component is called “In Italia con Giacomo”. Giacomo is an electric Vespa that is the students’ travelling companion, while exploring Italy and the Italian language. Giacomo and the student travel together making 11 stops throughout Italy, where the lessons occur.
Every week the lessons offer different activities that the student completes to earn points and take Giacomo to the final destination. At the destination, Giacomo takes the student for a five-minute visual tour of the city. The student also needs to complete a mini test online, testing the learning for that week, in order to “recharge” Giacomo with enough electricity for the next leg of the trip.
Because of its flexibility in terms of in-class attendance requirements, and the interactive nature of course components, the course appeals to first-year students, General Education Students, and high school students who sign up for University of Auckland courses through the Young Scholars program. The course also appeals to students planning an Exchange Programme in Italy, wanting to acquire Italian language skills.
In Semester One, 2019 one of the streams was timetabled to support students wanting to add Italian language acquisition to their University of Auckland study, and to support Young Scholars from Year 13 in Schools who wished to study at the University of Auckland.
The SEED Grant supported the hours required for a project assistant to help with the creation of the teaching resources.