SEED projects 2019 – A new Canvas for teaching and learning
Using Canvas to enhance student experience and success in a large scale course
Dr Mark McConnell and Sally Eberhard (Faculty of Business and Economics)
COMLAW 101 is a large compulsory class in the first year BCom and BProp degrees with 800 to 1000 students each semester. During 2019 I have looked at how Canvas and associated applications can be used to enhance the student experience and success in COMLAW 101, with a particular focus on addressing student retention. In association with this focus, I have considered what steps can be taken, using the features and potential of Canvas, to prepare for transition to blended learning and a “flipped classroom” for COMLAW 101.
I have investigated Canvas features, plugin applications and potentials that can be used in large-scale teaching and learning environments such as COMLAW 101. One such application I have investigated is On Task, an application that can be used to send out personalised messages based on analytic data from Canvas. In addition, I have explored the development of weekly modules and the increased use of online quizzes.