SEED projects 2019 – A new Canvas for teaching and learning
Scalable personalised auto-marked assessments
Ron Tiong (Faculty of Business and Economics)
The project used Canvas quizzes as a mechanism to offer students personalised assessments that are scalable. I wanted to explore this beyond my courses and apply it to other courses. Each student received an assessment that was uniquely theirs. To arrive at an answer, they had to compute it using their unique data set, according to their unique instructions. This personalised the learning experience for each student and discouraged students using “copied” answers.
I allow students three attempts at each quiz. Because the quizzes were automatically marked, students instantly knew the correctness of their answers and could use this information to revise their answer. Such assessment embedded learning-oriented feedback into quiz design and promoted timely feedback and the opportunity to evaluate and utilise that feedback to develop students learning in subsequent attempts at the quiz.
The project has given me the opportunity to interview students and teaching staff across different faculties and disciplines to determine how to offer such assessments in Canvas.